To Become Successful You Must Be Prepared To Fail


Today we are excited because I have a post from Andrew White a head of Marketing of Loveawake.coman Alaska-based dating site. He is a recognized expert on online marketing and self-motivation. He beautifully explains in this insightful article that for any great achievement that every successful person has earned, they have had exponentially more failures. We hope you learn more and enjoy the reading as we did.

Everyone wants to become successful but nobody wants to fail. If someone was to ask me to list some of the most important keys to success on how to become successful in life, in that list would be ‘Be ready to fail’ and that point would be pretty high up in the list too.

The problem is that we have been conditioned to believe that failure is a bad thing and therefore we try to avoid failure instead of seeing it as an opportunity. Failure should never be seen as a bad thing and you should never be afraid to fail. The reason most people never even take action in the first place is that they are already thinking about failing. What if the relationship doesn’t work out, what if this business doesn’t work out, what if I buy this make money program and it doesn’t work, I’ve tried before and things didn’t work out so why should it this time. These kinds of thought are driven and motivated by the fear of failure and what these thoughts do is limit you so that you don’t take action towards the fulfiment of your dreams.

As long as you are afraid to fail you will never become successful, because if you want to be successful in life you will have to face your fears and take risks. I remember when I was putting together my first relationship event called “Let’s Talk Relationships”, I was afraid that nobody would show up to the event and that I would have wasted my time and money putting the event together. I almost let my fear stop me, but later decided to throw caution to the wind and go for it and try anyway, I was ready for the failure if it came but I wasn’t going to let it stop me. Guess what happened, 40 people showed up to my first event, imagined if I had allowed my fear to stop me. Yes, 40 people isn’t a huge number of people but it was better than nobody showing up and it gave me the confidence I needed to keep going, knowing that people actually thought the event was worth their time and money and we had a fantastic time at that event. (most people never get that many people at their first event anyhow so it wasn’t a bad start for me, I have a friend who only 6 people showed up to his first event). What if I had allowed fear to stop me? I wouldn’t be making the kind of impact I am now making and touching the lives of people and making a difference in people’s lives which has always been my dream.

Failure is actually your friend, it comes to let you know that there are certain things you are not yet doing right, hence why you are not yet getting the results. So if you examine the failure and look at what you could do better next time then you will be closer to becoming successful. If you went a for job interview for example and you didn’t get the Job, instead of seeing yourself as a failure and giving up on getting a job altogether, why not assess how you performed at the interview, How could you have answered their questions better, How could you have sold yourself and your skills better so that you stand out from the other people being interviewed. Unfortunately most people never do that and therefore keep repeating their mistakes and keep failing. Learn the lessons failure wants you to learn by seeing failure as an opportunity to have your weaknesses exposed so that you can improve.

While it is good to fail sometimes, it’s not acceptable to remain a failure. Failure comes so that we can learn the lessons we need in order to improve and move closer to our goal of becoming successful. Failure is not meant to stop you, it is meant to refine and polish you, it is meant to make you better and more determined to find a way and to find a solution.

Also remember that you are only a failure when you quit on yourself, if that business doesn’t work out as you expected it doesn’t mean that you are a failure, it just means that the business failed, If the relationship doesn’t work out, it doesn’t make you a failure, it just means the relationship failed. You can always try a new business or a different strategy to turn around the business, you can work on improving the relationship or start a new one. You still have the power to turn things around is what I’m trying to say in essence, so if something doesn’t work out for you learn to see that project, business, or event as what failed and not you as a person. You are only a failure when you quit on yourself and as long as there is life in you there is hope so never give up. Learn from failure, learn from mistakes, refine your approach and turn things around. You have the power to do it, you just have to believe you can!

There is no success without failure, anyone that has ever achieved anything worth talking about has at one point or the other had to overcome failure. Successful people are people who have failed over and over again until they finally found a way to succeed. Failure is part of the journey, it is not the final stop. So be prepared for it because it is inevitable that it will come, but when it does come be ready to conquer it and be ready to learn from it so that you can become successful. One of the biggest secrets to success is to know how to handle failure and if you follow the advice in this post you will be able to do just that. You cannot run away from it, to become successful you must be ready to look failure in the face and say to it ‘I will defeat you

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