Things You Should Know About Bridging Visa D



Knowledge about visa is always handy. Among the six bridge visas of Australia, bridging visa d is also essential.  To lodge an application for bridging visa d, a unique application form 1007 has to be filled as per the Department of Home Affairs, Australia. Since personal details are collected, the law and Privacy Act 1988 have taken the responsibility of protecting the personal and sensitive information. It concerns its collection, use, and disclosure to anyone who is in no way connected. Form 1442i must be obtained and comprehended before one fills up the Form 1007.


Like all the bridging visas this bridging visa d is also a temporary visa. But the highlighted matter about this visa is the short duration of only 5 days. It is highly essential in spite of its short duration effectiveness. This visa is for those who urgently need a visa to enable them to get another substantive visa. Otherwise, it is to allow those who wish to make arrangements to depart from Australia. 

Importance of this visa:

Once a person is in Australia without a permit, the status is considered to be unlawful stay as a non-citizen. This status is highly unstable, full of risks like – i) detention ii) deportation iii) visa denial for consecutive 3 years after departure and iv) being a liability for the Australian Government for their removal.


The subclasses in this bridging visa are according to the differential as Prospective Applicant and Non- applicant. For the Prospective Applicant, the categorized subclass is 040, and for non- applicant, it is subclass 041.

Subclass 040

Prospective Applicant gets this visa 040 in the scenario of one is about to become an unlawful citizen. The applicant is sure about becoming a criminal citizen within three business days of his bridging visa application. An alternative scenario is on has become an illegal non-citizen of Australia. A genuine attempt to lodge for substantive visa application has failed due to the invalid nature of the form. This visa 040 gives the much needed time allowance of 5 days to make a valid application. Under this visa, work entitlements are not permitted. Travel Permission is denied, and use for BVC to depart and return back to Australia is also not possible.

The limitations:

  • Only 3 BVDs can be granted after the previous substantive visa
  • In several ways, it is a method that leads to bridging visa E for the legality of the applicant’s Australian stay.

Subclass 041:

The scenario unfolding here is that the particular person has no valid visa. This may be due to – i) the inability of the person to obtain one or ii) the person has no desire to do so and iii) the non-availability of an authorized officer to interview and check for the eligibility for BVE

In such cases, the non-applicant unlawful non-citizen gets to have Bridging visa D for 5 working days as allowance period. 

Application and visa grant:

BVD is applied to a particular form and is available with the Department of Home Affairs, Australia. This visa application is necessitated on an urgent basis. As an example, a case in which an applicant holding a working visa can be taken. The chain of events maybe –

  • The applicant has lodged an application for a student visa but 
  • Has inadvertently used the wrong form
  • Notification is given to the effect of invalidness of the application
  • Need some preparatory time to correct the demand for the student visa
  • Under these circumstances a 5 days BVD is lodged for subclass 040 or

The applicant is unable to meet the correct application charges. Once granted under this visa, the applicant has no default working rights. Travel is also not permitted. only

The validity of the visa:

This visa is valid only till one gets – i) substantive permission or ii) another bridging visa; maybe BVD or BVE or iii) to the completion of 5 business days after the grant of this visa

Substantive visa application:

 While a valid claim is lodged for a substantive visa in Australia, is usually a bridging visa application. Any functional visa application in the form of filling up the structure is an authorization for lodging the BV application. Hence no separate BV application is needed.  You should always consult an immigration

agent Adelaide before filing for the visa as they will help you in making your journey stress-free.


 It is noteworthy to note that the case where the refusal decision is made for a substantive visa, a non- citizen can apply for merits review. A residential address other than the post office box address has to be provided. Migration Act allows the investigation of visa cancellation or refusal as a general rule. Any act of visa refusal or removal will be indicated with reasons.

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