Mekkklovin  Made £6,000 in a Month by Posting Old Holiday Pics of Herself In A Bikini


Mekkklovin: When you have a job where your colleagues are constantly making fun of you, it’s going to take a lot of fortitude to keep going and not lose faith. And that’s exactly what mekkklovin did — she kept posting old holiday pics of herself in a bikini on her Facebook page, even when they were being made fun of and mocked by her colleagues. The more they laughed at her earlier photos, the more she posted old photo re-creations of herself in bikinis. And boy did it pay off! She ended up making £6,000 in one month (that’s over 6 grand) from posting pics of herself in bikinis. Here’s how she did it:

How did Mekkklovin make £6,000 in a month?

As we mentioned above, mekkklovin earned over 6 grand in one month by posting old bikini shots of herself on Facebook. What she did is super simple but genius. She posted her old selfies in a bikini on her Facebook page. Then, she created a blog from that page and started writing new bikini-themed blog posts. Then, she started to pin her bikini-themed posts on Pinterest. Pinching every last penny she could out of the internet, she even started selling T-shirts with her bikini pictures printed on them.

Step 1: Post old bikini shots of yourself on Facebook

mekkklovin started by posting a large number of old photos of herself in a bikini. She did this for the simple reason that Facebook users love seeing themselves in bikinis. This is because it’s a universal need in humans — to see ourselves in the best light possible. So when they see themselves in a bikini, they get a temporary high and a boost of self-confidence.

Step 2: Create a blog from your Facebook page

She then created a blog on her Facebook page. Her blog posts were bikini-themed and she wrote short, inspirational quotes about how beautiful women are and how they’re often underestimated. She also included links to her T-shirt store and Pinterest boards with her bikini-themed pins.

Step 3: Use Google AdWords to find your audience and target them through ads

When mekkklovin started her bikini-themed Facebook blog, she also set up a Google AdWords account. AdWords is Google’s advertising network that allows advertisers to place ads across the world’s largest internet audience. AdWords ads are designed to be shown to certain audiences based on their demographics and other factors. mekkklovin used AdWords to find her target audience — the Millennials. Millenials are people born after 1980. According to a report by Google, Millennials are known to be tech-savvy and love to browse the internet. This means they are more likely to see mekkklovin’s ads and be influenced by them. The next thing she did was to let AdWords figure out which ad to show each viewer based on their preferences and demographics. Adwords offers three choices when it comes to targeting people with ads: broad, phrase, and exact. In mekkklovin case, she chose the exact targeting option, which means that AdWords will show the ad to exactly one viewer. So if a thousand people see her ad and click on it, AdWords will know exactly which one person clicked on it.

Step 4: Track ad performance to figure out what works best for you

Once she had her ad set up, she started seeing how many people were seeing her ads and clicking on them. This is how she found out which posts were performing the best, and which ones were not doing so well. Based on the numbers, she then made changes to the posts that were not getting much traction. When she saw that the majority of her views and clicks came from her bikini posts, she decided to follow her gut instinct and keep posting bikini photos on her Facebook page. mekkklovin then used these performance metrics to decide which ads to keep running and which ones to stop. She decided to keep the ones that had significant views and clicks. She also realized that the ads that were performing the best were the ones that were showing links to her Pinterest boards. After making these decisions, she then used additional data such as her website traffic and Google Analytics data to decide which topics to write about.


Now that you know how to make £6,000 in a month by posting old vacation photos of yourself in a bikini on Facebook, you might want to give it a try. If you’re anything like mekkklovin, you’ll be inspired to start pinning bikinis and swimming suits on your social media. Just don’t forget to share your successes or failures on your blog as well!

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