Improve Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry in Mandeville


Despite the superficial name, cosmetic dentistry is more than just “tooth deep.” The condition and appearance of your teeth can affect everything from your social life to the way that you eat your food every day. Some people have digestive problems simply because they don’t chew their food up enough before swallowing. A cosmetic dental issue can even affect the profile of your jawline and the overall appearance of your face.

Dr. Chad Gustafuson and Dr. William B. Grand of Grand Family Dentistry specialize in cosmetic dentistry for residents in Mandeville, Louisiana. His goal is to ensure that every person who leaves his office leaves looking and feeling better than ever before.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry is a practice that concentrates on bettering the overall appearance of the teeth. Much of the focus is on the front of the teeth, which are what people immediately see when you smile, but some cosmetic procedures also reach to the back molars. The positioning and condition of the back teeth can affect the look of the jaw and the shape of your face. Experienced and highly trained cosmetic dentists like Dr. Grand study these nuances for many years. They use X-rays, charts, computer-generated images and regular photos of the patient to decide on the right treatment plan for each case.

The Different Services Grand Family Dentistry Offer:
The most common cosmetic dental procedure is orthodontic treatment. The purpose of orthodontics is to move the teeth into a better position, close spaces and fix crowding as well as other common alignment issues. Popular modern solutions available include Invisalign and the Six Month Smiles cosmetic braces system. Both are faster solutions compared to metal braces.

Another cosmetic procedure is the installation of crowns and bridges. These are dental devices that either cover the original tooth or use adjacent teeth as support to install a new artificial tooth. Patients who have a number of missing teeth commonly opt for dentures (full or partial) or dental implants.

Another common cosmetic procedure is having the teeth professionally whitened. Patients can have their teeth bleached professional in the dentist’s office or ask the dentist for a take-home kit to perform the whitening themselves over a period of time.

Grand Family Dentistry Gets It…
With so many years of experience helping dental patients achieve their best smiles possible, the doctors at Grand Family Dentistry know the full importance of cosmetic dentistry. It can be life changing. He uses some of the most modern technology and dental products to give his patients Hollywood smiles.

If you’re not 100% happy with the quality of your smile or the condition of your teeth, don’t settle for second best. Schedule an appointment with a doctor at Grand Family Dentistry,  ourwebsite is a Free Smile Analysis so that he can tell you all of the solutions available

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