Christian kids Movies – Watch the Best of 2019 Online


Watching movies is great fun with your family and multiplying your joy. We’re watching different film genres. In today’s world, it’s hard to find a good film that actually shows you the reality. Everyone may love watching movies, but there are rare people who understand behind the movie the hidden message. Children like watching cartoon movies, teens like watching movies containing elements of love, adventure or action. But these are enough for you. Do you really know the true power of love? You’ll have to watch biblical films if your answer is no.

The good news in the world of faith-based films is that we continue to see more and more of these films coming to theaters, touching with their messages millions of lives. Although sometimes Hollywood-produced pseudo-faith-based films (e.g., “Noah” and “Exodus”) distort the message, there was no shortage of truly inspiring, uplifting films with biblical messages of faith. These films inspire and encourage the faithful, offering a special opportunity for an uplifting family experience. And as many people who are reluctant to come to church may accept an invitation to watch a film, these films often help to reach the unchurched.

A well-made, faith-based film is much like an illustrated sermon that is carefully crafted; it will catch the attention of people and plant seeds of faith and hope in their hearts. The amazing thing is that the stories and messages in these films are wonderfully diverse, even with the increasing number of these films coming to theaters each year.

Impact of Christian movies on the audience

While most of these films are inspiring and entertaining, some have core messages for certain individuals that will be totally life-changing (and even life-saving). Films such as “To Save a Life” shared the message to reach out to the wounded souls around us and offered hope to those who were considering suicide. Films like “October Baby,” “Bella,” and “Voiceless” presented a pro-life message creatively, and many who saw those films decided not to end their unborn child’s life. “I Am Not Ashamed” and the films “God’s Not Dead” urged viewers not to compromise their walk for the sake of other people’s acceptance but rather to be their light for those around us.

Photographs such as “Home Run” and “Where Hope Grows” gave encouragement and hope to those fighting alcoholism and other addictions. “Home Run,” which highlighted the ministry of the 12-step Christian “Celebrate Recovery” group, influenced me to start attending that group to get help with some of my struggles. “Old Fashioned” (one of my favorites!) shows in a very modern world an example of godly courting. It was released on the same weekend as the very wordly “50 Shades of Grey.” What a light vs. darkness contrast! And many of those movies and others like “Is Genesis History?” “And the” Case for Christ “give clear reasons for believing that the Bible is God’s true word.And Kendrick Brothers ‘ films have inspired, challenged, and delighted millions with a wide range of messages like the importance of Fatherhood (“Courageous”) and prayer (“War Room”).

And some of these films even present a clear message of the gospel with many being saved by believers who brought them to the theater watching or being led to the Lord. The event’s organizer was able to lead a Muslim lady to faith in Christ after a recent outdoor showing of “Woodlawn,” a football-themed film that addressed many topics such as racism, salvation, revival and more. So, let’s keep supporting these films through our prayers, spreading the word and watching the movies in theaters, especially during the opening weekend).

Spending time with your family is the most important thing. It doesn’t matter if you’re watching Christian movies for teens with your time. Double your joy by having a movie night with your family. The reason why best free Christian movies online are not released in cinemas is because the seats are not filled. If you want to live for the glory of God, growing in truth and moral message in films is a must for you. Judging someone is easy, but it’s hard to understand. You have to watch Christian kids movies if you are stressed and demoralized because they give you hope to live in this world.

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