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Why it’s time to switch from oil to LPG

As climate change continues to dominate our lives, many of us are now making changes to help reduce our environmental impact. From the transport we use to get to work, to the way we shop for groceries, introducing more eco-friendly ways of living has never been more prevalent.

But for many living rurally, off the mains gas grid, taking care of the environment has always been a top priority, which is why many are now assessing the impact of their energy supply. This has sparked a movement away from traditional, carbon-heavy fossil fuels like oil, to cleaner, greener alternatives that can also save them money.

The government is applying pressure too. Initiatives such as the UK’s ‘Net Zero’ target and ‘Clean Growth Strategy’ demonstrate just how serious it is about reducing carbon emissions and improving our air quality. With a plan in place to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by the year 2050, reducing the carbon output of our homes has now become an absolute top priority.[1]

All this has led to the rise in popularity of more modern, alternative fuels, such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). As a clean[2] and cost-effective fuel supply[3], it’s fast becoming known for its environmental and cost-saving benefits. So, is it time you thought about switching from oil to gas or LPG? And, what are the benefits?

LPG: Why should I make the switch?
LPG has been making waves in the off-grid energy world thanks to its strong environmental and cost benefits. So, what exactly are the benefits of LPG and why should you consider them?

LPG: the ‘go to’ for off-grid energy

With so many benefits to be gained from low carbon LPG, it’s clear to see why its quickly becoming the ‘go-to’ for those living off-grid. As it stands, oil is still an effective heat source, however, it will soon no longer stand up to the scrutiny of growing carbon reduction targets. The need for a cleaner energy supply is also only likely to increase, especially as the government’s ‘net zero’ legislation continues to be enforced. Making the switch sooner rather than later means you could be reaping the reward quicker than you think.


[2] WLPGA 2019


[4] WLPGA 2019







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