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USC Faculty Stabbed To Death On Campus

LOS ANGELES – A male employee at the University of Southern California was cut to death on the downtown Los Angeles grounds on Friday, and a suspect was arrested, powers said.

The Los Angeles Fire Department reacted to a reported wounding around 4:30 p.m. nearby time and landed to locate a male casualty who was around 25, division representative Margaret Stewart said by telephone.

Stewart said the man was proclaimed dead at the scene.

The Los Angeles Police Department said a suspect was in this way captured, however no further subtle elements were promptly accessible.

The college’s Department of Public Safety affirmed that it was an employee that was executed.

USC, one of the country’s most prestigious private organizations of advanced education, has stood out as truly newsworthy as of late for occurrences of brutal wrongdoing.

Security at the grounds was fixed after the slayings in mid 2012 of two graduate designing understudies from China who were shot as they sat in a stopped auto close grounds in what police said was a burglary endeavor.

In July 2014, another Chinese graduate understudy was assaulted by a gathering of adolescents as he was strolling to his home close grounds in a late-night robbing. He made it home yet kicked the bucket of his wounds hours after the fact. Four adolescents were captured regarding the wrongdoing.

(Reporting by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Additional reporting by Curtis Skinner in San Francisco; Editing by Nick Macfie)

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