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Top things to consider before investing on an orders manager app

The world is fast joining the digital bandwagon and the food industry is not too far behind either.

Restaurants and eateries have started using orders manager apps which enables them to better manage inventory and orders.

According to recent reports digital ordering using tablets, computers and mobile phones is increasing at the rate of 300 percent faster as compared with dine-in traffic. It allows multi-channel selling, has a super powerful inventory control and shipping GPS integration which accounts for its optimised management right from the time a purchase is made to the time payments are done. Single-handed the system has simplified customer management processes within a restaurant and assisted it in running smoothly.

Here we shall discuss 4 things that a restaurateur should consider before investing in a premium quality order manager app:

1. Does the existing process work-flow need an upgrade?  

It goes without saying that a order manager app helps align all orders placed, weigh them out, packing in print labels and getting the final product ready for pick-up and delivery. Orders manager app improves the work-flow efficiency as online sales go on increasing in complexity and volume. If you have multiple sale channels, or have had experiences making too many mistakes in shipping, purchasing, accounting or maybe facing trouble keeping up with the customers’ demands, but wish to cut down on overall staffing costs.

2. What is the magnitude of your business?  

If your business is typically of a medium or large magnitude with good returns then an order management app is of great use for you. In the same way if you have a small sized business with very low returns then an order management system might be a tricky investment for you. It is when at this situation that you need to determine whether the investment is worth it or not because an online management app ensures collateral online marketing benefits and if patrons get good service then needlessly they would return time and again and help reach more customers while making a big profit, almost effortlessly.

3. Do you have multiple shipping locations for your business?

Well, let us look at this scenario with the help of an example. Let us assume a restaurant has one website and two different store locations. A good order management app can check the location for both and assign it to the one within the easier, closer reach. But both can be maintained from one particular place only without any kind of confusion.

4. Is the price range suiting your business?

 Online ordering within their POS allows restaurant operators to have better control over their customer experience by influencing the complete look and feel associated with the process.

However it can get expensive in some cases where a lot of technicalities are involved and might not be a good option for enterprises of a smaller magnitude. But it also comes with increasing revenue opportunities by collecting greater user data for a better understanding of customer persona, and allowing good service which in turn ensures returning guests.

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