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Simple ways to increase workplace productivity

Every business wants to avoid employee procrastination. A whopping 36 working days can be lost annually just from procrastinating professionals. The biggest distractions in the workplace tends to be on smartphones. Online shopping, social media, and texting are all culprits of stealing attention from employee’s work.

Alongside Cliverton, who provide dog trainers insurance for dog walkers, we share what you can do to improve your workforce’s levels of productivity.

Improve the surroundings

The temperature of the office can have a surprisingly large effect on the productivity within the office. The optimum temperature is between 20–21C. Anything outside of this bracket may lead to distractions in concentration, as employees will be more interested in reaching an acceptable body temperature. This could include getting up to put their coat on or playing with the air conditioning system.

The surroundings when in an office actually play a part in morale and efficiency. While we may say we are feeling ‘blue’, this primary colour is said to put you at ease in the workplace. It’s said to be an ‘emotionally comfortable’ colour, meaning you’ll be happier if your décor is awash with blue. Green has a similar effect and is most suited to those who are looking for a creative environment. Then there is purple; a colour which can encourage teamwork and creativity. You’ll likely find this, alongside red, in design firms.

Standing desks are a great addition to any office. Not only is this concept a good way to boost your staff’s productivity, but it also has health benefits. By allowing a colleague to choose or alternate their stance during the working day, you will be showing that you care about their well-being.

Set achievable goals

SMART targets are a simple addition to but in place but the reward. This means you should be specific in your goal, making sure it’s measurable and action-orientated. It should also be realistic and time-bound.

Giving your colleagues and employees realistic targets is essential. Research indicates that goal setting can improve work performance by up to 25%. However, if you introduce goals or targets that aren’t realistic, morale and productivity will nose dive. It’s important that you keep staff focused and on the same track. This can be provided by giving them clear directions and an end goal that is clearly reachable.

Dog in the office

Why do huge corporations like Google and Amazon distract their employees with an office pet? Well, research has found that nine out of 10 dog owners are happier in life because of their furry friend. This is because they can help reduce stress levels, and this can also transfer to the office.

The head of HR at Nestlé UK shared that “Having a dog-friendly workplace encouraged interaction and socialisation between employees who may not have crossed paths otherwise.”

Job satisfaction has been largely linked to having a good relationship and bond with other colleagues. And, as they say: a happy worker is a good worker.

Healthy = Happy

Research into the subject has shown that healthy individuals, weight-wise, are off sick less than those outside of this healthy bracket. People who are not a healthy weight are off work an average two extra days each year. Therefore, company benefits such as the use of a company gym and free fruit, can go a long way to improving productivity. In Google’s New York office, it’s even rumoured that no colleague is ever more than 150 feet away from food because they believe nutrition will keep the productivity levels high.



The balance between work and social life is often a challenge to maintain. Yet is an essential to Millennials especially, as they value this as one of the key points to look for in a job. It’s been found that 70% of Millennials believe a flexible work schedule is a priority when looking for a new job. Head of Brand and Content at Remote Year, Emily Moyer agrees, stating that “flexible work schedules make you happier”.

Employee stress is reduced by such a flexible shift patterns as they have to freedom to work around their life arrangements.


By applying our suggested solutions to low productivity your workers moral will improve greatly. In turn, this will benefit your business and you will reap the rewards. After all, as Richard Branson says: “Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.”

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