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Should you opt for oil or gas?

With discussions around global warming prevalent in today’s society, many people are wondering how we can move to a greener future that continues to allow businesses to operate successfully. One of the main areas of focus should be on energy use, developing a greater understanding on the type of fuel we use to achieve commercial objectives.  As such, businesses across the UK are now looking at ways to become more fuel-efficient– not only to help lower their carbon emissions, but also to bring down energy bills and save money in the long run.


This is something that is being heavily debated in parts of the UK that aren’t reliant on the main gas grid — which is 16%. For the majority of off-grid operations, this means a choice between oil, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) or LNG (liquefied natural gas) for high-volume commercial applications. But what exactly are the differences between these fuels – and what should off-grid users consider when making decisions about their energy supply?


If you’re thinking about switching from oil to gas, we’ve covered everything you need to know…


Is oil less of a nationwide focus?

With pressure on the government to achieve zero emissions by 2050, many people expect businesses to align their operations with greener values.[1] What this means for off-grid businesses in practical terms is moving away from conventional, carbon-heavy fossil fuels. When considering the key features of oil, it’s not hard to see why it’s becoming an outdated off-grid option:

An increased focus on LPG & LNG

With new objectives and customer expectations, the reasons around businesses looking for fuel alternatives are obvious. The good news is that there are viable off-grid alternatives that offer compelling economic, environmental and logistical benefits. LPG and LNG are two such fuels. So, what are they, and how do they compare to oil?

What does the future look like?

For businesses, moving away from oil to LPG or LNG could be a solution that really pays off. So, if you’re looking to make quick energy savings, ensure your future compliance with government energy policies and cut down on maintenance time, get in touch with Flogas today and see how easy it is to start the process.





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