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Robert Turner Briefly Marks The Importance of Physical Assault Counseling

Physical assault or abuse can happen to almost any person, regardless of their gender or age. It is common for physical assault survivors to experience a deep sense of humiliation and shame in regards to the incident, which prevents them from accessing the help they need to move on. This situation needs to change and people have to be more proactive about seeking physical assault counseling from professionals like Robert Turner. Physical assault counseling is not about reliving the trauma of what happened. It is about reclaiming the sense of self in the aftermath of abuse.

Physical abuse and assault is never the fault of the victim. However, seeking help after the incident is vital to recovery. Proper therapy and counseling can be a huge step in the direction of healing and wellness.  There are several factors that make physical assault counseling advantageous, here are some of them:

Physical assault victims can consult people like Robert Turner for help. He is a regular churchgoer and shares his faith by offering his expertise as a counselor to physical assault victims. These traumatic events can greatly change a person’s life, but Dr. Turner believes that with counseling and other forms of treatment, a person can get better and move forward with their life.

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