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Nelson Partners – Student Housing Real Estate Investments Are Booming Today

If you have a property located close to a college or a university, you should consider investing in student housing investment. Known for its resilience to economic downturn and recession, you actually will earn regular income compared to the other forms of real estate investment during such times. They are a profitable venture and an excellent asset class that offers you a stable opportunity for investments.

Nelson Partners – Professional experts in the field of student housing in the USA

Nelson Partners is an esteemed real estate development company established in 2018 by Patrick Nelson, who has over 14 years of valuable experience in the field. This privately-owned company has a team of qualified and skilled experts that focus on college students and property management when it comes to student housing real estate.

The company has its headquarters in San Clemente in America and is a specialist in the field of the development, acquisition, finance, management, and real estate investments linked to student housing in the country.

The pros of student housing in the modern times

This is why student housing is so popular in the USA today. The number of students who are living off-campus has risen, and they are looking for affordable accommodation near the college or university campus. Such properties are near the educational institutions, so students can walk to their classes and save lots of time and money.

Most students find it hard to focus on their studies while staying in dorms as they need to share the space with the other students. This is why they need a space with basic student amenities like a good speed internet, a place for eating, a kitchen and a common space for meeting their family and friends.

Get a consistent income every year from student tenants

When it comes to renting payments, students are not irresponsible. Landlords have backed parent guarantors, and this means there will be no payment defaults. Students study in colleges and universities for at least two to four years. Later, they stay back if they decide to pursue higher education like their master’s or their doctorate degrees. This means when you keep students as tenants; you are able to get a long-term income in the form of rent.

No advertising costs for you to promote the property

When it comes to student housing properties, there are no advertising costs for you to promote the property states Nelson Partners. Students spread word-of-mouth when there is a vacancy. The occupancy levels are never zero. If one set of students do move out, the rest remain, so you will never have zero income from the property.

College and university admissions take place every year, so you will have students coming in annually. In this way, student housing is much better than the other forms of real estate that might dip during times of recession or an economic downturn, like in the case of the coronavirus pandemic. However, student housing is resilient to such phases, and this is why investing in it is a prudent and smart choice for everyone!

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