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Manaslu Circuit Trek


Wild enterprise, Manaslu circuit trek in Nepal contains total round of world’s eighth most noteworthy mountain Manaslu 8,163m. Great Manaslu trek begins from low elevation level and leads over 5,100m height with extensive variety of social and normal rainbow. The trek offers Nepalese rich social legacy, warm neighborly locals, broadly blended social villagers, extraordinary mountain view, and paramount strolling venture and additionally cross the brave mountain pass Larkey La 5,160m height. The Manaslu region trek is generally less beaten and unexplored with contrast with most prevalent trekking zone Annapurna and Everest. The trek likewise offers blended social agreement of Buddhist and Hindus.Mount Manaslu essentially alludes as a “heap of sprit” got from “SANSKRITI” dialect. The mountain was initially moved by Japanese campaign group on May 9, 1956.


The trip leads through the climbing and dropping trails, cross the different social towns, thick backwoods, rice porches, paddy fields with terrific perspectives of Mount Manaslu, Ganesh Himal and numerous other snow secured tops. The trail takes after Buri Gandaki River before cross the most extreme height point Larkey La pass 5,125m. After cross the enterprise pass, our adventure persistently goes downwards took after by Marsyangdi River to achieve our trek finishing point Nadi town, the town is additionally the beginning stage of Annapurna Circuit Trek.




Trek season:      April/May/June and September/October/November/December.

Trek grade:         Challenging/troublesome as a result of high height.

Activities:            Walking/Trekking up-down slope.

Most noteworthy elevation:       Larkya La 5160m high.

Trek style:           Basic Teahouse or Comping/Tented.

Ethnic group:     Majority of Magars, Gurung and Tibetan and so forth.

Culture:                Tibetan Buddhism.

Himalayan scenery:         Ganesh Himal, Shringi Himal, Chamari Himal, Buddha Himal, Himal Chuli, Nadi Chuli, Manaslu I (8163m), Manaslu North and Larkya Peak and so forth.



Visit the popular town Gorkha.

Beguiling perspectives of Manaslu and encompassing Himalayan range.

Long stroll up through the Budi Gandaki valley.

Conventional town way of life and culture.

Patios of product fields.

Tibetan culture and high pass crossing Larke la (5210m).

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