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How to Overcome Acid Reflux Disease Causes

Millions of men and women worldwide are suffering from acid reflux disease. Some of the acid reflux disease causes include Hiatus Hernia, lying down immediately after intake of meal, consuming a large meal, intake of snacks before going to bed, intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks, consuming garlic, mint, chocolate, tomato, citrus, bending, smoking and intake of certain medicines.

The symptoms of Acid Reflux include bloating, heartburn, chronic sore throat, weight loss, nausea, Dysphagia, burping, bloating, hiccups, and black stools. According to recent statistics, around 50% of the population in the US is suffering from acid reflux disease.

How to Overcome Acid Reflux Disease Causes?

It is suggested to avoid beverages and foods that cause acid reflux. It is advised not to wear tight belts or tight clothes. You need to elevate the head with a pillow. It is suggested to practice exercises to loose extra weight and stay healthy.

You need to quit smoking and consume small meals four to five times a day to promote digestion and get rid of acid reflux. You can make use of antacids moderately to cure acid reflux. You can use Rolaids, Mylanta, and Maalox to neutralize the stomach acids and cure  Acid Reflux Diease Causes naturally. It is advised to select antacids that consist of aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide.

The best acid reflux diet to cure acid reflux symptoms are listed below:

Betaine Hydrochloric Supplement to treat Acid Reflux

You can buy Betaine Hydrochloric supplement from a local medical store to promote digestion and get rid of burning sensation and H.Pylori bacteria as well.

You can make use of Apple Cider Vinegar to increase stomach acids and cure acid reflux naturally. You can add one teaspoon full of organic cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink to treat GERD.

You can also drink half a cup of Aloe Vera juice to treat acid reflux symptoms.

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