How A Corporate Chair Massage Therapy Program Can Improve Your Business


Many Danforth Toronto companies are now opting to add a registered massage therapist (RMT) onto the company payroll due to the advantages they can provide employees. Corporate massage therapy helps workers keep their focus as well as allows them to relax and deal with work-related stress and deadlines better. In addition to the day-to-day aches and pains employees report relief from, at companies where an RMT is employed or visits regularly, they notice employees call into work sick less frequently. This is a result of the healing properties massage therapy offers, particularly regarding blood pressure and migraines, two common issues among corporate workers.

Chair massage therapy in a corporate setting is one of the most effective and efficient ways for businesses to get the most out of their workers and masseuse(s), as it allows a worker to obtain all the advantages of a massage without ever leaving their desk or being forced to remove their clothes. Combined with the advantages in insurance costs, chair massage therapy is easily one of the best-kept secrets for businesses.

If you would like to “test-drive” in-house chair massage therapy, but don’t feel you need, or aren’t ready to hire a full-time in-house masseuse, one of the best ways to try out this service is to hire a company that specializes in corporate chair massage like the Medical Massage Boutique in Toronto. For the days or hours that you request, this company will send registered massage therapists to your office to provide massage therapy to your employees.

Companies in the Danforth Toronto Ontario region can offer chair massage therapy with the help of a company like the Medical Massage Boutique as an additional perk for potential employees. These days, interviews are a two-way street and top talent can often have its pick of the litter. If you have an exceptional potential employee who is trying to decide between two businesses, sometimes it can come down to the different perks offered between the two companies. It can be something as simple as which one is a better work place, or which one provides the most minor benefits – like massage therapy sessions between 2-3pm every other work day. In that regard, a corporate massage therapy option can easily make the difference in hiring a hard-to-find prospect, especially if the position is known for its stress.

Corporate massage therapy is definitely something that any company in the Danforth Toronto Ontario area should try. It is not only relatively easy to do, but any cost you may incur with this special service will pay itself back twice over with the increased productivity and renewed vigor your workforce will show. Not only that, but since most employees love this perk, it is just one more reason your new or long-term employees will choose to remain at your place of employment rather than searching for work elsewhere. A registered massage therapist can therefore be thought of as your accountant’s best friend, as the money they save you can be spent elsewhere making for a much more successful company in the long run.

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