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Health Tablet

With technology in force physical presence is not always required for work in any field & that is true for Health sector also. CompuRx Infotech had launched a preloaded calling tablet, “HEALTH TABLET” with prescription writing software( for Android Phones & Tablets) along with many other useful medical applications for doctors. With facility to download required items from complete list of complaints, investigations & other instructions & symbols, minimum writing is required. Any new record can be made directly from the writing area & saved in masters for future use. You can put patient’s images, X-rays, MRI & other documents, reports in their respective prescriptions by inbuilt camera or otherwise.

A minimally qualified health worker or an undergraduate doctor working in far off places can consult any specialist anywhere in the world regarding his patients by E-consultation(Tele-consultation) using this Health Tablet saving precious time, money & enormous efforts to move the patient to a hospital.

For more information pls go below:-

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