Essential Tips for Protecting a Farmhouse During Emergencies


The trends show that Generation Z and Millennials are growing more interested in farming and eventually running a farm of their own. It might be because of the cottagecore trend we’ve seen in the past few years, and also because of how younger generations are more aware of their responsibility in protecting people and the planet. We might see a future in which the younger generations are at the forefront of agriculture—and it’s a wonderful future, one that bodes well for the economy and our environment.

There’s no denying that farm living is the new dream for younger people. Here are some essential pointers for how you can maintain and keep a farmhouse, should you decide to live in one someday.

Fire safety

One of the first considerations for farm safety is keeping is fire safety, especially since farms are often high-risk because of barns. If a farm is located further away from fire departments, then that makes it worse, too. To keep a farm safe from fires, here are some tips that farmers and landowners need to remember:

  • Invest in some flame-resistant clothes so that you have something to wear when you have to do farm work that requires the use of chemicals or anything flammable.
  • Watch out for fire hazards like exposed electrical wires, broken light fixtures, wet hay, loose outlets, flammable materials just scattered in the area, and obstructed entrance and exit pathways. Draft a list of potential fire hazards and make sure to check them every week, if not every day. Whenever you see damaged or frayed cords, replace them as soon as you can.
  • If you have fire accelerants like gasoline, oil, aerosol cans, kerosene, paint thinner, and chemicals in your farm, make sure they are properly stored by investing in a spill-proof container. If you must use these accelerants for work, use minimal amounts and avoid using them in the open. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher at the ready when they’re in use.
  • Ban smoking of all kinds on the property.
  • Eliminate clutter as much as you can, especially in areas where the circuit breaker box is located.
  • Incorporate fire safety training for your farm personnel.


Another safety issue you need to consider while living on a farm is the possibility of break-ins and other types of property crime, especially since most farms might be located further away from police departments. Here are some security tips you need to remember:

  • Invest in high-quality lighting and CCTV cameras. Motion sensor security lighting, in particular, can be a good way to deter burglars and detect people who are already on the property.
  • Don’t skimp on your gates and barriers. Invest in locked gates that require a PIN or password to open.
  • Remove keys from quad bikes and tractors, especially ones that are on the higher-end side.
  • Watch out for poachers and wildlife criminals. Keep a lookout for big vans with dogs in them, and people using binoculars to spot wildlife. Check the laws in your area around hunting, capturing, and killing wild animals so that you have legs to stand on when you spot potential poachers.
  • Join a Farm Watch USA group so that you can connect with the authorities and other farmers, should you want to share some intelligence on rural crime in your area.
  • Prepare for the worst by investing in insurance. Even if you take all the precautionary measures possible, clever criminals might still find a way around them, so make sure you have recourse should the worst happen.

Disaster preparedness

You never know when a typhoon or earthquake could hit. Here are some tips for good disaster preparedness:

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the types of disasters and hazards that are most likely to hit in your area.
  • Connect with nearby farming communities—maybe your fellow farmers already have a foolproof plan for any emergency. Stay up to the minute on emergency broadcasts. Put together some emergency go bags for every member of your family and staff. Keep a map of your area and make sure it’s updated.
  • Stock up on supplies you might need to protect your property, like plywood, fire extinguishers, a sufficient supply of food for your family and livestock, a gas-powered generator, and others.

Becoming a farmer is a noble dream, and it’s worth pursuing despite the challenges and obstacles one might face. Take everything you can learn as early as you can, especially being prepared for any kind of emergency and disaster. It would make you a prudent and equipped farmer or landowner one day.

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