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Digital Marketing: The Porter that shapes Consumer Perception

Businesses competing in today’s ever changing environment are sooner or later, coming to terms with the fact that Digital Marketing tricks-&-flicks need to be leveraged in order to mold the consumer opinion. After all, it is the perception that makes a person loyal to a brand and working upon this loyalty, transnational brands have been able to build Billion Dollar businesses.

But other than profiting in the form of Sales, businesses are keen on creating a lasting perception for gaining a competitive advantage, developing their brand image & probably the most important factor of all, getting referred to neutral-opinioned people.

From the perspective of a Digital Marketing leader, it is crucial to track the feedback of the customers. This is the reason, why you so commonly receive those customer surveys as soon as you hang up the phone after having spoken to a Customer Care Executive. There are patterns to the buying behavior of the customers, as with the seasons and months of the year. Honing the Digital Marketing capabilities of its workforce, successful businesses make the most of even the shortest feedbacks using analytics and behavioral science.

The buyer journey usually starts when a consumer makes up his mind to buy something. Next step being perusing through the online ratings by means of Google and other channels, the individual reads about the experiences of other customers who bought the similar products, thereby starting to incline towards the brand that has the most favorable number of reviews. It proves the need for tapping into the psyche of the consumer, wherein the person still bridging the gap between the decision to purchase & the brand to purchase from. Hence, time is high to lay the foundation of a rigid Digital Marketing Strategy, to gain that elusive competitive edge over the competitors.

Customer faith can only be retained if the queries are resolved in (near) real-time. Organizations which take their Digital Marketing Campaigns seriously, are the ones that gain serious ground over others and become visible in the limelight. To reach millions of consumers within a short span of time, there couldn’t be a better medium to use than the internet.

Search Engine Optimizations, Search Engine marketing, Social media optimization & e-mail marketing are the major components of a Digital Marketing process. Professionals have been known for pursuing various Digital Marketing Certifications related to Google Adwords, Google Webmaster, Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn that further assist in tracking customer engagement.

If the Digital Marketing Leaders were to be followed, then it would be observed that companies who promptly respond & resolve the issues of their customers tend to land positive recommendations from the customers’ side. The digital marketing platforms mentioned earlier, provide a Launchpad for the organization to project the image that they want to be seen in.

A focused and well regulate digital marketing strategy helps the big daddies of the behemoth-sized companies to manage customer perception efficiently. By gravitating masses, Facebook & Twitter have subliminally allowed for businesses to converge their ideas and define their Digital Marketing Strategy accordingly.

While throughout the course of this post we have maintained that it is indispensable for an organization to prepare for a lasting Digital Marketing Strategy framework, equally important is the fact that they have to maintain pace and quality with it.

As an inference, we conclude by stating that business professionals along with students need to command a commendable grip over the ongoing/upcoming digital marketing trends. Merely grabbing a digital marketing certifications wouldn’t do much favor if the latest developments in the field of marketing aren’t kept up with. So keep learning and keep equipping yourself against the tides of unpredictability as knowledge is the power.

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