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Countries That Are Offering the Digital Nomad Visa

It feels fulfilling to get to travel and see as much of the world as possible without worrying about your financial situation, which is why becoming a digital nomad has become more prevalent in recent years. But one of the many problems that most digital nomads face is the uncertainty of their situation in a particular country they are staying in and would want to stay indefinitely.

Most countries wouldn’t allow foreigners to work legally in their territories, even if it’s online. Of course, there is an option to process a working visa, but that would involve a lot of money and paperwork that most digital nomads end up moving on to another country. Fortunately, the digital nomad visa is gaining traction as more countries are now offering it.

Digital Nomad-friendly Countries

Even before COVID-19 made remote working a trend, digital nomadism was already a growing movement. Many employers are hiring remote workers with a decent wage, proper hours, and workload, and all that you will need is a laptop, some skills, your passport, and a virtual debit card from Visa to receive your salary.

Now, you might need some more documents, but this time it will be for you to obtain a digital nomad visa, allowing you to stay longer and work legally in a particular country. So, if this is exciting news for you, check out the countries offering the digital nomad visa and the requirements for you to be eligible for one.

Currently, there are around 30 countries with this type of visa, and some of the conditions look easy to get, and some might take some extra, but it should be worth it if you want to stay longer in your second home. Here are some of them:


The Eastern European country is one of the recent ones to offer digital nomads a chance to stay in their territories for an extended time legally. The visa’s length varies, but the maximum is 12 months, and you wouldn’t need to pay income taxes during your stay. The downside is that you need to be in Croatia first to apply for this type of visa as you can’t obtain it from overseas.

As for the requirements, you only need to prove that you’re either self-employed or that you work remotely. This proof can be anything from a contract, payslip, statement, etc. You would also need at least €2500 as your monthly income or savings.

You also need to show a criminal background check from your home country, proof of accommodation, and valid insurance for however long you intend to stay there. Did you know anyone can check if someone has an arrest record through Look Up Inmate? Check out this page. It’s relatively easy to get approved for the visa, and once you have it, then you can enjoy the country’s old towns, national parks, ancient architecture, art scene, and natural beauty.


The home of some of the best food in the world is Mexico. Their food is good that UNESCO awarded Mexican food as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010. If that made you crave Mexican food, then the good news is that you can now stay and work as a digital nomad in the Central American country and eat their food every day.

Mexico’s residency visa can get approved if you have a minimum of $1,620 as your monthly income or $27,000 in your bank account. Of course, if you’re working, it has to be a company based elsewhere, and then once you have the documents proving these, you need to fill an application form and visit the Mexican embassy in your country. It’s that easy, so set your sights on having quesadillas, pozole, tostadas, enchiladas, elote, etc., as your everyday meal while sipping on some horchata by the beach.


The Mediterranean island has been popular with tourists and digital nomads for many years now. Its digital nomad residence permit is good news for anyone who wants to stay longer. Of course, the country is known for its beaches, but it has so much more to offer, like the streets of Valletta on UNESCO’s World Heritage List and their architecture and local art scene.

To get their digital nomad visa, you would need proof of your remote work and that you’re earning €2,500 monthly. A background check, rental agreement in Malta, and health insurance are also required.

Explore the World Like a Digital Nomad

The three countries listed here are the ones with the most manageable requirements to fulfill. If you’re expecting to see your dream destination, and it’s not here, then check if they also offer the digital nomad visa. If not, give it a few years as they will indeed provide it soon enough.

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