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Bernie Sanders Shows A Trump Voter How They Actually See Eye To Eye

CONCORD, NH - MAY 27: Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) speaks to an overflow crowd through a megaphone after a campaign event at the New England College May 27, 2015 in Concord, New Hampshire. Sanders officially declared his candidacy yesterday and will run as a Democrat in the presidential election and is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's first challenger for the Democratic nomination. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

A day prior Donald Trump was set to touch down in Wisconsin for his triumph lap (charged as a “thank you” visit), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) demonstrated one Trump supporter why she won’t not be so appreciative when the president-elect expect office.

Amid a bipartisan town lobby facilitated by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes on Monday night, Wisconsinites talked about salary disparity, school moderateness, migration, welfare, exchange and Trump. One participant and Trump voter, Gail Sparks, communicated dissatisfaction that individuals like her, who she said paid for wellbeing net projects like Social Security and Medicare, had turned into the “quiet minority.”

Sanders, who affirmed that Sparks accepted such projects ought not be gutted, brought up that the very individuals Sparks voted in favor of are attempting to make the cuts she contradicts.

Trump, who has been unclear on a large number of his strategy arranges yet said he would “ensure” programs like Social Security and Medicare, has provided reason to feel ambiguous about his guarantees with Cabinet picks like Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), who is an eminent adversary of government human services programs.

“Do you know who is presently working hard to attempt to do that?” Sanders said. “Republicans in Congress have an arrangement under the pretense of sparing Medicare and sparing Social Security, making annihilating cuts. That is the thing that the Republicans are currently attempting to do.”

Sanders went ahead to note how the salary hole between the rich and the poor has augmented in the course of recent decades, to a great extent to the detriment of the working class ― and individuals like Sparks.

“Do you believe it’s wrong to begin requesting that those individuals pay what’s coming to them of charges so we can enough store Medicaid and make open schools and colleges educational cost free?” Sanders said in reference to the higher class of rich Americans. “Is that an unreasonable thing to inquire?”

By then, Sanders appeared to have made his point.

“I don’t believe it’s an out of line thing to ask,” Sparks surrendered. “They got rich off of us, so now is the right time

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