Teachers and Classes for Yoga in Avalon


The unanimous resolution by the United Nations Organizations to celebrate 21st June every year as ‘World Yoga Day” reflects the acceptance of Yoga science by the global community. The backdrop of this attention to yoga techniques as one of the best measures to attain health and fitness has been the rising incidence of many lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, kidney problems, arthritis etc. While the medical fraternity has invented several medicines over the last few decades to mitigate many diseases, it has also been strongly advising people to refrain from sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food habits. Yoga in Avalon can help.

Several research studies over the years and across the world have pointed out that it is imperative to adopt physical workouts or movements to remain healthy. The lack of physical work has detrimental effects on the human body and its immune system. The immune system of our body helps it to fight the onslaught of various virus, bacteria and other microscopic foreign organisms hat get ingested in out body through food, water or even the air we breathe.

In order to live long and healthy life, free from these chronic diseases, yoga exercises have been found to be highly effective. Even if one does yoga exercises for 20 to 40 minutes every day, in right manner, there can be significant improvement observed in health, vigour and stamina after just few weeks. In Australia, Avalon Yoga School has been propagating the benefits of yoga exercises for many years and has also been providing authentic courses on yoga to the students around the community.

While the yoga exercises may be viewed as set of physical movements of hands or limbs or some special postures which are termed asanas in Sanskrit language, the essence of yoga is not then fully understood. The yoga philosophy is very vast and goes beyond the typical physical exercise routine. It strives to bring in the inner harmony between body, mind and intellect of the individual.

The teachers at Yoga in Avalon are highly knowledgeable about the intricacies of yoga and are experienced enough to impart proper training as well as guidance to the students who come to them. They will demonstrate and make you practice the yoga postures in front of them. The subtle inputs like the right position of limbs or head or fingers while doing any posture, right breathing technique, duration for each posture and right sequence of doing suggested postures have been found to help the students immensely when they pursue the exercises after getting authentic training.

Avalon Yoga school has its own website where in one may find the details about the different activities that are scheduled for the benefit of aspirants. One can also make online registration on any of their events that are announced in advance and which suits the individual. The help desk at Avalon Yoga School can also be contacted for any specific query or assistance that one needs.

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