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5 Ways of Using Print Advertising to Increase Sales

With the invention of digital platforms, many business owners start thinking that the importance of print advertisement has declined rapidly. However, this is a misconception, and you shouldn’t trust these types of rumours. In this digital era, print marketing is still alive and serves numerous benefits to different businesses to increase their sales and revenues. If you have started your own business or already have a business, then at a specific point in life you will need a method to promote your product and services. For this reason, you may look for different techniques to enhance the visibility of your business’s services and products in front of your target audience so you can attract them toward your services.

Marketing your services or products is one of the most important steps that you need to take to enhance your company’s sales. In this digital era, we mostly rely on technology to advertise our products and services. No doubt digital marketing has become popular in terms of advertising a business. However, still, you can’t overlook the importance of print marketing techniques, such as brochures, flyers, booklets, and so on to boost your business sales. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss different print advertising methods to promote your business’s services or products.

What is Print Marketing?

Print marketing uses printed media such as brochures, business cards, business flyers, rack cards, table tents, etc. to promote products or services to attract more customers. It is one of the oldest and most popular methods of advertising different services or products to capture the target audience’s attention when they read your advertisement. The main reason behind print marketing is to influence your target customers to buy your products either physically in a store or digitally by visiting the company’s website.

5 Ways of Using Print Marketing to Boost Business Sales

Print advertising can be an effective method to drive more sales. The following are some common print advertising methods that can be used to increase a company’s sales:

Even in today’s rapidly changing world, some marketing tools are effective in influencing your target audience to buy your products or choose your services. Among those marketing tools, the brochure is the most common method that comes under the print advertising technique.

  1. Brochures come in a compact size and shape but contain a large amount of information.
  2. They can introduce your company’s services or products by providing a snapshot of products or services.
  3. They also highlight the benefits of products and contact details so customers can get in touch with you.
  4. You can easily distribute brochures and they are simple and effective to target your customers.
  5. You can place an order for brochures as they are cost-effective when you order in bulk.
  6. They can easily capture your target audience’s attention. Hence, you can seek help from Print Safari Brochures to place your order for brochures.

With the rise of digital marketing, it may seem that you don’t need a business card, however, research has proved that print-based material is more effective and plays an important role in today’s society and especially in the terms of marketing. You can have various benefits from using a business card.

  1. When it comes to spreading awareness regarding your business, it is important for you to have a business card. When you give your business card to someone, then it will spread awareness about your business, such as what your company is about and what services you offer.
  2. Phone numbers, names and email addresses can be easily forgotten. However, if you use a business card, then these types of issues can be overlooked. One can easily recall and in turn, it can help make long-lasting business relationships.
  3. They are compact in size and can be distributed easily. Customers can hold onto them for a longer period of time.

Flyer marketing is one of the most effective and versatile print advertising for promoting a business’s services or products. Generally, you can distribute this single-page printing to spread awareness regarding your business services or products. The business flyer can be an announcement of an event, promotion, or new open shop.

  1. Flyer printing doesn’t need a high budget as it can be produced in bulk without investing too much money.
  2. Flyers can be easily and quickly printed and then distributed. However, you need to make sure that flyers should be professionally printed.
  3. Flyers are tangible in nature as they can be touched. Your customers can get important information about your products or services.
  4. People like to get a personal letter more than a number of emails. In addition to this, people like to keep flyers so they can use them at a later time.

You may have seen table tents in restaurants, hotels, banks and many other places. Generally, they are printed pieces placed on a desk or table, and they are considered one of the effective methods of marketing.

  1. They are used for conferences, trade shows, restaurants, and seminar advertising, but you can use them to promote your services or products.
  2. They are popular because of their unique appearance and easy-to-distribute nature.
  3. They are best for promotional purposes and you can place them on the table in front of customers, so they can read your services and products.
  4. The best thing about table tents is that they don’t need extra decoration because they look unique and attractive in the way they are.

Booklets are an effective marketing tool for prospective customers. You can add your products or services detail that people can keep in their hands and contact when they decide to purchase your business product or service. As per your business requirements, booklets can be used as description guides, newsletters, employee handbooks, colored magazines, etc.

  1. You can add relevant information to the booklet. You can also add attractive graphics, company details, news, and information about a specific product, event, etc.
  2. You can choose Print Safari for booklet printing services to promote your business products and services.
  3. When you add product or service information in the booklet, then it can help you make relations with your target audience by providing relevant information.
  4. When it comes to information about products, you can be sure that you can add a large amount of information to the booklet so your customers can get complete detail about your services.

Why Choose Print Marketing for Business Promotion?

While it is true that digital marketing has become popular, you can’t overlook the significance of print media in marketing a business. There are various reasons to choose print advertising for promotional purposes. With the help of print advertising, you can get a chance to introduce your business, services, or products to your target audience and attract them toward your brand so they get influenced to purchase your products. As a result, you can increase business sales by choosing print advertising techniques. When you choose the best printing company to get your brochure, flyer or other marketing material printed, you need to consider various points, such as design, theme, colors, and content structure to allure customers. Take a look at the following section to know the benefits of using print marketing material for business advertising:

You may see that people trust those marketing promotions that they can touch and feel. When it comes to emotionally connecting with customers, you must choose print media marketing methods to advertise your business products and services. Most often, it has been seen that people avoid newsfeeds in which they are not interested. On the other hand, when they have printed material in their hands, they are more likely to read it and show interest in it. Thus, there are more chances that printed material can make your brand credible.

Printed objects give a psychological effect. When your target customers see or read a paper or print, then it can be seen that they are more likely to remember what you have given in the print than online ads. People usually keep business card, brochure, or postcard with them, which make print advertising an effective way to create long-term effects.

Have you ever noticed what will happen if someone continuously sees your Facebook advertising? Most probably, they will unfollow you on Facebook. On the other hand, print advertisement is considered one of the most effective methods of keeping your target audience informed about your products without sending emails. When you use a print advertising method, then there will be a high chance that your target customers will interact with printed material, and many people will end up buying your products by reaching you through your mentioned website address or contact detail.

As compared to the message displayed on the TV, many people prefer reading advertisements about products or services through printed material because printed objects are attractive in nature. You will have the option to describe your services or products by using brochures, business flyers, business cards or using other methods of print marketing. Apart from this, you will also have to consider the theme, color combination, and content before distributing any form of print advertising material.

When you choose the right option of print media marketing to promote your services or products, then you can really impress your target audience. By using the right type of print marketing, you can influence your customers to buy your business products or services, and as a result, it will help boost your business sales.

Being a business owner, you will know the importance of marketing and establishing a powerful brand image. Print media marketing material will let you use different visual elements like color, high-quality images and relevant content that can contribute to brand recognition. Print marketing has the benefit of targeting customers based on their interests, area, career and various criteria. You can represent your brand in the most effective way by using alluring and the right type of printed objects.

How to Create Effective Print Advertisements for Businesses?

To attract your target audience toward your brand, services and products, it is important to create effective and eye-catchy ads to promote your brand. The following are some tips that you can follow to make a great impact on your target audience:

Headline plays an important role in grabbing users’ attention to your brand, so it is vital to use an eye-catchy and attractive headline. Make sure the heading to be used must be informative so that customers like to read more about your products and services. The headline should be concise, unique and understandable by your customers.

You must know what you aim for when you are using print material to introduce your products or services because it will help you write concise and simple content in the body section so people know what exactly you are offering them. For instance, if you are organising a promotional event, then you must add address, purpose and your contact detail so that if anyone has a query, then they can contact you.

Don’t forget to add a call to action because it will help people how they can purchase a product or how they can reach you. For example, you can give your website address or store address so that individuals can buy products easily.


Now, you have an idea of how you can promote your brand through print marketing. You should give print marketing one try because this is the method through which you can increase your products sale and boost business revenue. Apart from this, your customers will also start recognising your brand when they see your advertisement. However, make sure to choose the right printing services provider like Print Safari to get high-quality printing services.

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