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5 Innovative Air Filtration Technologies

It might not surprise you to see that air purifiers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. However, not all air purifiers work in the same way. Different air purifiers use different technologies to clean the air. Before purchasing an air filtration device, it’s important to understand how they work so that you can make sure you choose the right one. Here are some of the most innovative air filtration technologies currently available on the market:

1.      Desiccant In Line Air Dryers

Water vapor in compressed lines is one of the main causes of damage to pneumatic tools and paint imperfections. Compressed air is typically saturated with 100% relative humidity. This means that the compressed air has a lot of extra moisture in it when it goes into air tools or paint guns. Desiccant air dryers have been shown to help filter this extra moisture and prevent tools from freezing, reduce maintenance costs, extend the life of air operated equipment, and eliminate product downtime. This is brilliant news for anyone who owns an air tool. Why not check out some of the desiccant in line air dryers for sale from Super-Dry? Their reliable industrial desiccant air dryers will provide you with the solutions you need.

2.      HEPA Technology

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) is a technology that has been around for a number of years. HEPA filters are built to trap approx. 99.97% of particles that are bigger than 0.3 microns in size. Our eyes are only able to see particles that are larger than 10 microns, so we cannot see the particles that are caught in the HEPA filter such as bacteria, chemicals, and viruses. HEPA filters can trap bacteria and mould, which means they help to create a more sanitary environment.

3.      Activated Carbon Technology

Activated carbon is carbon that has been produced to be very porous and has a large surface area for absorption. This technology was first used in the 1900s when it was used to purify water and to remove the colour from sugar. In WWII, it was used in gas masks to help protect soldiers. Activated carbon filters are built out of a number of molecular-sized pores that have chemical bonding and high absorbency. These air purifiers have been shown to be particularly helpful to people who suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) because they are able to absorb formaldehyde. This technology can be used to make it easier to breathe in an environment.

4.      UV Technology

UV technology is often found in particulate filter systems. This technology doesn’t usually get rid of airborne particles, but it can kill germs like viruses and bacteria. These purifiers have a UV lamp inside, and as the microorganisms pass by, the UV ray is emitted, which damages or destroys the microorganisms.

5.      Negative Ion Technology

These use chemical injections to clean the air. Negative ions are oxygen atoms that have altered by gaining an electron. These ions magnetically attract particles such as dust and pollen until they can no longer stay in the air. The ions then attach themselves to a solid item in your room, such as a wall or a window.

There are a number of innovative air filtration technologies on the market in 2020. Which one will work for you?

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