4 Symptoms That Your Car’s Transfer Case Is Failing


The transfer case is an important part of your car that you don’t often think about.

It is part of your car’s transmission system. The transfer case is responsible for directing the power from your car’s transmission to your car’s rear wheels (all the time) and your front wheels (when deemed necessary by the driver).

Because it is a very delicate part — and mostly out of sight — many drivers and car owners do not realize that it may be the transfer case’s fault when they experience certain issues with their vehicles.

But even though this is the case, you still need to know if something is wrong with your transfer case as it could be a safety hazard when left unchecked.

How do you know when it is time to have your Mercedes transfer case fixed or changed? Here are the signs and symptoms that can point to a failing car transfer case.

Problem with shift

A common sign or symptom of a failing transfer case is problems with shifting gears. Do you notice that there is hesitation to engage when you are shifting to particular gears? Do you encounter problems in shifting gears when you are at certain speeds when you drive?

That is probably because your transfer case is starting to fail. This can be tricky since these symptoms are signs to other car problems as well, such as issues with lubrication. But often times, when it isn’t a lubrication problem, it is a problem with the transfer case. Usually, when this is the case, the transfer case is leaking, hence compromising your car’s ability to shift gears (in order to shift gears properly, the transfer case must be sealed tight so it can convert the hydraulic force of the transmission into mechanical force).


Another common symptom here is leaking lubricant. When it is visible leaking, the damage can already be severe. And since leaking means there is a lack of lubrication in the system, it can cause the transfer case to burn up faster than usual.

When there is a visible leak, it is best to have your transmission checked to see if you need to change your Mercedes transfer case.


Unusual noise in cars often indicates problems. And here, a grinding sound is a sign that your transmission case if failing. When you hear that grinding sound when shifting gears, it could mean one of two things: you are low on lubricant or your transfer case is damaged or failing.

Cannot shift

When you transfer case can no longer engage — or when you are suddenly stuck in a gear — that is clearly a sign that there is something wrong.

It can also be caused by a few other things as well. Your car could be too fast for the transfer case to engage, or your car is not properly lubricated.

But if those are not the issues causing the failure to engage, then it is your Mercedes transfer case that needs fixing. Your transfer case may already be worn out due to wear and tear and must be fixed and replaced immediately.

Are you looking for a top-quality Mercedes transfer case? Visit Adsit’s online shop today. Enter a few details on our catalog and you’ll instantly find the car parts you need.

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