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3 Reasons Why Dieting Fails Most of the Time

Regardless of whether you’re trying to get your beach body or you’re attempting to become fit so that you can look like the most attractive specimen of senior singles out there, dieting is one of the options you will probably consider first.

However, restricted meal plans are not the best choice for a vast majority of people, simply because dieting is equal to the form of a short-term deprivation in their mind. Furthermore, many of the causes of failed dieting are related both to a person’s lack of determination and non-balanced meals. What people don’t realize is that the key to losing weight lies in choosing a sustainable eating plan that one can successfully stick to, both until their goal has been achieved and beyond.

With that in mind, here are the 3 most common reasons why most diets fail for most people.

  1. Diets Don’t Work that Fast

If you approach a diet as an all-or-nothing proposition, you are doomed to fail. Rather than making small changes in your lifestyle that can last forever, diets encourage you to do everything you have never done before for two weeks or so, which isn’t sustainable in the long run.

This happens because your old habits start to return as you come closer and closer to an end of your two-week diet. A major rule has been broken here, and that is “small changes last and big ones don’t.”

  1. You Become Hungrier

Instead of training yourself to endure, you treat the fat loss as a function of nutrition, and you start craving more food over time. Needless to say, this is bad when it comes to weight loss, and it’s because the general idea of a diet is to tear you down completely, instead of building you up.

The best way to lose weight is by creating a calorie deficit, which means you have to burn more calories than you eat. It would be better to do it through training, not drastic dieting though.

You see, burning calories in the gym will cause a metabolism boost, followed by the muscle growth. This will make your body go into fat-burning mode and you won’t be overly hungry.

  1. Too Tired to Continue

Many diets are simply too low in calories, and they don’t provide enough energy for you to do your workouts. Even when a weight-loss plan includes exercise, it will likely require you to eat very little and then run or cycle for many hours on end.

This may help you lose a few pounds, but you won’t achieve anything regarding muscle growth, meaning you will be back to where you started by giving you a metabolic downshift. Simply put, endless cardio combined with restricted intake of calories will lead you nowhere.

A majority of popular diets will do this to you, especially the low-carb ones. Carbohydrates are our primary source of energy for physical activity, and by depriving you of those, a diet can prevent you from efficient exercising, making all your efforts go in vain.

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